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Clean Air Solutions on the Road: Driving Smart
Did You Know...
Using an Energy Conserving II (EC II) – rated oil can give you a 2.7% mileage increase and help clear the air.
Car testing

Car emissions testing

On the Road: Cars & Trucks

At Home & At School

In Recreational Areas

At the Ballot Box

Interactive Car

Interactive House

Interactive Recreational Area

Car Care:
6. Recycle crankcase oil and look for energy-conserving oil.
7. Easy does it: Accelerate slowly and go the speed limit. Make it easy on yourself--use the cruise control.
8. Cut out idling.
9. Don’t remove or tamper with the catalytic converter on your car. Pollution controls help fuel burn more completely with fewer emissions at the tail pipe.
10. Have a Smog Check and cooperate with smog check programs.
11. Check your car's air conditioner for leaks, and have it recharged by a certified technician who recycles the CFCs.
Did You Know...
Traveling at the speed limit saves gasoline and cuts emissions. In fact, going 55 mph rather than 65 mph buys a 15 % mileage increase. Surprisingly, most cars operate most efficiently (with less pollution output) between 35 and 45 mph. Higher or lower speeds significantly affect performance.
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