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  EPA Standards: Minimizing the Risk

  People, Air & Fire: The Burning Questions

  What should we all know about fire?

  Air Quality Timeline


The Topography, the Climate, More Cars, and More of Us

There are many factors to balance in the quest for cleaner air. These are some of the long-range policies that aim to protect our health and the health of our environment:

  • New U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ambient Air Quality Standards are being implemented to protect us from ozone damage and lung-damaging fine particulate matter.
  • Because of its combination of population, vegetation, topography, and climate, California has one of the most severe wildfire environments in the world. New wildland fire management policies are emerging to meet this challenge.
  • The California Air Resources Board Mobile Source Plan is a comprehensive strategy for reducing mobile source pollution that reaches into the 21st century. It emphasizes pollution prevention with zero emissions vehicles and better transportation planning.
  • California's Smog Check Program, which was first introduced in 1984, has been strengthened. Smog Check II, designed to meet the requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act, is a vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance program based on the importance of individual responsibility.
Next - EPA Standards: Minimizing the Risk... 
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