Delphi International has supported non-profit and public service
organizations through the creation of educational products. We have
developed interactive educational materials that are web-based,
modular, and suitable for wide distribution as classroom curricula
as well as very exciting exhibit-based learning environments.
Our goal is to take information and put it into the hands and minds
of people to whom it is vitally important. We are very committed
to environmental educational programs because of their importance
to our future. As we strive to make a positive difference in people's
lives through service and interactive media-rich projects, we will
ensure that educational presentation materials reach diverse groups,
regardless of socio-economic background. We welcome working with
public agencies, other companies, foundations, youth development
agencies, and NGOs who share this mission.
Air Quality Clean Air Primer Product
Overview (HTML Version)
Air Quality Clean Air Primer Product
Overview (Adobe PDF Version) 
Clean Air Primer Order Form (Adobe PDF)
